January 23

My Smarty Pants Phone…

Seeing the ‘Throwback’ picture posted by Cindy Indavis got me thinking about our phones… I was so jazzed that my 2009 phone not only made phone calls, but could text, take videos as well as pictures and had custom ring tones! Cutting edge not all that long ago, but looking quite vintage compared to the smart genius phones of today. Making calls is one of the least used options on my phone these days…

It is mind boggling how many gadgets fit into my phone… the ultimate space saving device!

I mean this little smarty pants phone


is doing the job of all these things! 

P1011009and MORE!!

We don’t have a full set of encyclopedias to include in the picture, or every newspaper, book and magazine I might ever want to read… but, being an old fashion girl, when I’m in the mood to read I wouldn’t think of using my phone – I curl up on the sofa with my kindle.

What about you? Anything missing that you use your phone for regularly?

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January 19

Missin’ Tink

Today lil Kim would be beating me to the half century mark, and I’d have never let her hear the end of it…

Happy Birthday sTinkerbell!


   Miss you always, love you always



Kim and Sam 2005

Kim and Sam 2005

Auntie Tink With EmmiJoy 2011

Auntie Tink With EmmiJoy 2011


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January 9

Uptown Funk

Does it mean I am losing my Rocker Chick edge if I can’t help diggin this Uptown Funk?!

If this don’t make your shoulders start boppin then someone needs to check your pulse!

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January 6

Convoluted confusing confounding Common Core

CommonCore2014-09-30-kid-test WTFurby?!?

The student’s answer makes a lot more sense to those of us who have to do math in real life. Clearly common core is replacing common sense. Most will agree that simplification is valued over complication. The Common Core approach to math is useless in the real world! Isn’t the entire point of school to prepare students to enter the real world? If a teaching method does not actually prepare people for reality, then it has failed. Simple.

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